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        American Express Business

        American Express Business

        Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi offers American Express® Business privileges!

        With the American Express® Business card, you can have more advantages on your company's daily administrative expenditures, as well as representation and hospitality expenses. With the American Express privileges and additional services offered to you the world over, you can have comfortable and safe domestic and international business trips.

        Furthermore, with the American Express Business card, you can easily keep track of your company's expenditures.

        For detailed information, you can call +90 (toll-free) Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Customer Communication Center or visit the nearest Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi branch.

        • Features

          With the American Express® Business Card, you can have complete control over your company expenditures:

          • You take advantage of discounts up to 5% on all hotel and restaurant expenditures of your company in Turkey or abroad.
          • You earn Membership Rewards points on all your expenditures.
          • You enjoy your trips with the concierge and travel services that will make your business life easier.