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        SME Auto Loan

        SME Auto Loan Calculator

        Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi offers auto loans either for you or your company!

        Do you want to buy a vehicle? No matter if you decided on the type or model, you are at the right place! You can use our calculator above to calculate the best repayment plan for your budget and start applying. What's more, you can get a loan for yourself or your company!

        You can utilize your commercial-purpose credit with a maturity of up to 60 months.

        • Features

          • We offer advantageous interest rates varying on the basis of brand and model.
          • You can take advantage of our different repayment plan options that suit your budget and income.
          • You can utilize the personal-purpose credit for vehicles worth EUR 400,000 and below with maturity up to 48 months and for vehicles worth EUR 400,000 and above with maturity up to 36 months. You can utilize your commercial-purpose credit with a maturity of up to 60 months.
          • For second-hand vehicles, we offer credit facilities where the maximum total of vehicle's age and credit maturity will be 144 months.
          • Pledging the vehicle you bought will suffice as the credit collateral. However, in certain conditions, we may also require surety as a security for repayment.
          • For personal-purpose auto loans requested by individual customers and sole (individual) proprietorships, a maximum of 70% of the portion of EUR 400,000 the vehicle price and a maximum of 50% of the portion exceeding EUR 400,000 can be financed.
        • Utilizing Auto Loan

          Firstly, you must be 18 years of age and a citizen of the Republic of Turkey in order to apply for the auto loan.

          We offer you 4 different channels to make your application:

          • Your preferred Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi branch
          • Our contracted auto dealers that you choose (applies only to personal-purpose loans)
          • 444 OTOM (444 6866), just one phone call away
          • Application form found right above

          In your personal-purpose auto loan applications:

          A preliminary assessment is performed by our bank by using the information you have provided in the application. If the result of the preliminary assessment is positive, we expect you to visit our branches or our contracted car dealers along with the necessary documents.
          After verifying the documents you have submitted to us, we make a final assessment. Once your application is approved, you can sign the required contracts at our branches or contracted car dealers and get your vehicle by completing the insurance, vehicle registration, and pledge procedures.

          In your commercial-purpose auto loan applications:

          The assessment for the loan will be done after you submit the necessary documents and information to our branches. If your loan assessment result is positive, then you can utilize your loan by completing the required agreement and collateral procedures at our branches.