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        3D Secure (ISP)

        Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi, the pioneer in secure online shopping, is more reliable than ever with its new system!

        In the operation of the International Security Platform (3D Secure), upon submission of the user's payment information, the credit card identity information must be verified by the Issuer Bank.

        • Features

          • Protection: With the new system, as you will be making your payment by using the PIN and personal security sentence that you determine, your credit card information will be under protection.
          • Security: As nobody else besides you will know your PIN, shopping with your card will be more secure.
          • Easy Registration: You can easily apply to Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Virtual POS to be able to use the Garanti International Security Platform.

          Apply Now

        What is International Security Platform (3D Secure)?
        Why is 3D Secure Safe and Reliable?
        How Does 3D Secure Work?