It is a system developed to increase the security of purchases with a credit card on the internet.
The 3-D Secure protocol developed by VISA has also been adopted by MasterCard and has been introduced as a requirement. It was put into use by Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi under the name of International Security Platform (3-D Secure).
The International Security Platform is the most advanced system developed by VISA to augment the security of virtual shopping transactions. The application of the system prepared for the use of Visa credit cards is called "Verified by Visa" while the one for the use of MasterCard credit cards is called "SecureCode".
The International Security Platform is not a payment confirmation method or a technological platform, but a model that arranges the responsibilities of the parties involved in the payment process (merchant-bank-cardholder). Both cardholders and merchants are protected against fraud.