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        SME General Purpose Loan

        You can easily and swiftly apply for an SME General Purpose Loan!

        Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi presents the general purpose loan with convenient payment options for all kinds of financing, investing, and individual needs of microenterprises and SMEs! Apply now for the support loan with terms up to 36 months, meet your needs immediately.

        Furthermore, microenterprises and SMEs that are sole traders no longer lose time going to the bank branch; via Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet Banking or Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile, they can apply to the general purpose loan, finalize an application they began before, and start utilizing the money disbursed and transferred to their account.

        SME General Purpose Loan Calculator

        • Features

          • Within the scope of the installment loan, credit maturity can be minimum 1 month and maximum 36 months.
          • Within the scope of the installment loan, the minimum credit limit for an installment loan to be disbursed via Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi branches is EUR 1,000 while no upper limit applies to such a loan. The minimum credit limit for installment general purpose loan to be disbursed via Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile or Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet Banking is EUR 1,000 while the upper limit is EUR 100,000.
          • Loans can be repaid in monthly equal installments.
          • Sole trader SMEs can apply for an installment general purpose loan via Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet Banking, Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile, or
          • Customers possessing a document showing they are a "Farmer" active in the agriculture sector and corporate SME customers cannot apply for an SME general purpose loan via Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet Banking, Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile, or
          • You may be required to submit documents while making the loan application. For all document requests and in case the customer wishes to be insured by a company other than our Bank's agent, the customer should go to the relevant Bank branch to finalize the loan application procedures.
          • Loan applications shall be approved definitely on the condition that no unfavorable situation is detected as a result of the final evaluation by our bank.
          • The approval of applications may vary according to the risk rating of the customer.
          • In order to apply for and utilize credit via Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile or Internet, the applicant should be a Turkish citizen and a Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi customer and have his/her national ID detail, banking service agreement, and signature already recorded in the Bank's system.
          • Interest rates may vary depending on loan-related fees, loan amount requested, and market conditions.
          • Our bank reserves the right to change the interest rate, loan-related fees, maturity, campaign dates and conditions.

          Sole traders and corporate companies may utilize commercial installment loans. Such loans are commercial loans with installment, and submission of documents may be required during loan application. The sample repayment program for commercial loans with installment is prepared according to the loan with equal installments option; if you wish to learn about loan options with a grace period, you can visit a branch and also get detailed information at “Total Fee Including Insurance and Tax” consists of credit allocation fee, tax, and insurance premium. 5% BITT (Banking and Insurance Transactions Tax) is not included in the allocation fee. Insurance premiums may vary according to age and cover. The rate referred to as the annual cost rate is the effective annual interest rate, and insurance premium is excluded in its calculation. The total cost of credit consists of the total of credit installments and the allocation fee. Loan applications shall be approved definitely on the condition that no unfavorable situation is detected as a result of the final evaluation by our bank. The condition to benefit from this campaign may change based on the customer's risk rating. This campaign cannot be combined with other campaigns by our Bank. Interest rates may vary depending on loan-related fees, loan amount requested, and market conditions. Our bank reserves the right to change the interest rate, loan-related fees, maturity, campaign dates and conditions.