By using the NFC feature on Android smartphones, it enables the phones to swiftly and securely receive contactless payments via contactless cards and mobile wallets. Microenterprises that are not a member of the Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi merchant network, are taxed over their accounting books kept by single entry, and have an Android smartphone with the mobile payment (NFC) feature may use CepPOS.
It is easy to log in to the app simply by entering the Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet banking password. If needed, transactions can be canceled and the relevant transaction amount can be reimbursed. Sales can be tracked instantly from the “Transactions” menu under CepPOS, the transaction amounts that are no longer blocked and are transferred to the account can be traced by the stores. The store staff can be defined as users, thus they can receive payments from customers. The earnings from sales with CepPOS are automatically transferred to the store's account within the same day (on average, 3 hours later following the transaction).