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        KOSGEB Loans

        Since 2017, we, as Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi, have been a medium for loan programs offered by KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization of Turkey) in various periods in order to provide financing support to SMEs.

        Registration on KOSGEB database is necessary to be able to benefit from the said loans.

        Registration on KOSGEB Database

        All legal and financial liabilities arising from inaccurate and false information in statements given to KOSGEB shall belong to your enterprise.

        • You should click on “First registration with KOSGEB” on the page that opens when you click on the link “How do I register on the database?” under “Registration Procedure” on KOSGEB homepage.
        • By filling out the form that appears on your screen, you need to get the KOSGEB E-SME Username and Password assigned to your Business, which you will use in all the following steps.
        • Please click to for detailed information on how to register on the database.

        You can get further information about loan options and KOSGEB registration procedure from the nearest Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi branch.