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        Deposit Products

        Put your savings to work at Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi, come out ahead with earnings!

        Time Deposit Accounts

        • e-Savings Account

          With the e-Savings Account, start earning now! Your account's maturity remains the same no matter when you wish to withdraw money.

        • TL Time Deposit Account

          You can open your EUR Time Deposit Account via our branches and start obtaining a risk-free return from your savings.

        • FX Time Deposit Account

          You can open your FX Time Deposit Account via our branches and start obtaining a risk-free return from your savings in foreign currency.

        • Interim Interest Yield Time Deposit Account

          Let your savings bring you regular income!

        • YUVAM Account

          Deposit Account for Non-Resident Turkish Citizens!

        Current Accounts

        • TL Current Account

          Open your Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi account now without going to the branch!
        • FX Current Account

          Deposit, withdraw, and transfer your foreign currency as easily as you do with EUR!

        • ELMA Deposit Account

          Open an ELMA Deposit Account, earn more with your money!