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        Overdraft Deposit Account

        Overdraft Account Calculator

        What is the Overdraft Account?

        Overdraft Account is linked to your current account that allows you to withdraw cash and make your payments when you need money urgently, even when there is no money in your account. When you do not have enough money in your account to meet your short-term EUR cash needs, you can use your Overdraft Account limit and only pay the interest on the amount you use and the amount you withdraw for the day used. Moreover, you do not have to pay any other fees or commissions. If you wish, you can pay your debt with installments for up to 3 months via the Installment Overdraft feature which is using your Overdraft Account limit. In addition, even if there is a positive balance in your current account linked to Overdraft Account, you can use Installment Overdraft without touching your current balance. For detailed information about the Installment Overdraft, please click here.

        Employees/workers can apply and benefit from an Overdraft Account privilege 24/7 through Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet Banking, Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile Application, or from our website without going to a branch.

        Interest Rate

        The Overdraft Account interest rate is 1.36% for each amount. The interest amount, including RUSF and BITT, to be incurred during the 7-day use of 200 EUR is 0,79 EUR. 200.79 EUR is the amount to be paid after the debt is fully settled. All deposits made to the Overdraft Account will be reflected in your account on the next business day.(=OR All the cash inflow to the Overdraft Account will be reflected in your account on the next business day.)

        • The interest amount, including RUSF and BITT, which will occur during the 7-day use of 500 EUR, is 1,98 TL. The amount to be paid after the debt is fully settled is 501,98 EUR.
        • The interest amount, including RUSF and BITT, which will occur during the 7-day use of 1000 EUR, is 3,97 TL. The amount to be paid after the debt is fully settled is 1003,97 EUR.
        • The interest amount, including RUSF and BITT, which will occur during the 14-day use of 2000 EUR, is 15.87 EUR. The amount to be paid after the debt is fully settled is 2015.87 EUR.
        • The interest amount, including RUSF and BITT, which will occur during the 7-day use of 5000 EUR, is 19.83 EUR. The amount to be paid after the debt is fully settled is 5019.83 EUR.
        • All deposits made to the Overdraft Account are reflected in your account on the next business day. The interest amount, including RUSF and BITT, which will occur during the 1-day use of 100 EUR, is 0.06 EUR.
        • Usage Details

          • By using your Paracard, you can withdraw your overdraft account limit in cash 24/7, and you can also make purchases with your Paracard within your limit.
          • You can perform all kinds of banking transactions such as EFT, Money Order, bill payments. Even if there is no money in your account, your automatic bill payments such as electricity, water, telephone, etc., and your regular payments such as rent, installment, etc., are made on time from the current account to which your Overdraft Account is linked, within your limit.
          • If your account is in negative balance and any money inflows into your current account to which your Overdraft Account is linked, the account automatically closes your Overdraft Account debt. When you use your limit, only the amount you use and interest for the day will be charged. If you do not use your Overdraft Account limit, no interest or fee will be charged.
          • The interest of the loan you use during the month is automatically deducted from your account in the next month.
          • When there is no money in your account, you can use as much as you need within the limit of your Overdraft Account.
          • You can use your entire Overdraft Account limit in installments, and you can pay your expenses in installments for up to 3 months. For detailed information, please click here.