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        General Purpose Loan

        Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi offers budget-friendly loan options for all your needs!

        General Purpose Loan Calculation

        Take out a general purpose loan from Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi, don't postpone your needs! Apply now for the general purpose loan to fulfill your needs with advantageous credit interest rates and a repayment plan that best suits you.

        • Loan Application

          The moment they need a loan, our customers may apply for one via Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile, Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet Banking, 444 0 335 Instant Credit Line, or our branches; they may utilize their loan instantly via Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet Banking, Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile, 444 0 335 Instant Credit Line, and our branches.

          You can obtain your Credit Risk Report issued by Kredi Kayıt Bürosu (KKB) via Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet Banking and apply for the loan.

        • Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile >> Banking Transactions > Applications > Loan /Overdraft Account Application
        • +90 (toll-free) Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Customer Communication Center or 444 0 335 Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Instant Credit Line
        • Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi ATMs

        Additional documents that may be required depending on your employment type are as follows:

        • If you are a paid employee, a payroll or letter of income: An up-to-date payroll that is dated no earlier than 2 months or SSI (social security institution) registration number, employer registration number, monthly net wage, and letter of income received within the last 1 month, including your information on whether there is a lien on or deduction from your salary, and a signature circular
        • If you are retired, a retirement certificate: Retiree identity card and pension allocation certificate / a bankbook demonstrating your pension
        • If you own a sole proprietorship, relevant company documents: An up-to-date tax registration certificate and annual income tax declaration / up-to-date and summary profit and loss statement
        • If you are a shareholder of an equity company, relevant company documents: An up-to-date tax registration certificate and annual corporate tax declaration
        • If you have rental income, relevant rental documents: A title deed for the real estate subject to the rental, a rental contract that is not older than 2 years, and a document demonstrating the collection of rent, which is not dated more than 2 months ago
        • If you have interest income, a bankbook: A document that shows your interest income and is received after the date of your application
        • If you are a farmer, a farmer certificate: A farmer certificate and a document showing your income from agriculture

        *The applicant is required to submit an income certificate if s/he is not registered in the social security agency system or his/her registration thereof cannot be confirmed or if the applicant wishes to declare an additional source of income.

        **If the applicant is a paid employee or a self-employed person, a guarantor is not required in loan applications but the branches reserve the right to demand one if they deem necessary. The guarantor should also submit the above-listed documents to the Bank.

        • By logging in to Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile and Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet Banking, you can get information about the status of your application.
        • If you wish, you can call 444 0 335 Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Instant Credit Line right away to inquire about your application status.