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        NET Account

        NET Account makes it so easy to save!

        Only NET Account gives you the chance to know how much you will earn at the end of maturity as soon as you start saving. Furthermore, you can deposit or withdraw money whenever you wish without breaking the maturity.
        Choose the most suitable NET Account package for yourself and earn net income up to 4,000 EUR in 12 months, 9,000 EUR in 18 months, 16,000 EUR in 24 months depending on your selected package.
        • Your NET Account Options

            Monthly Savings(TL) Saving Period(Month) Target Savings(TL) Net Income(TL) Total Savings(TL)
          1 250 12 3.000 200 3.200
          2 500 12 6.000 400 6.400
          3 1.000 12 12.000 800 12.800
          4 2.500 12 30.000 2.000 32.000
          5 5.000 12 60.000 4.000 64.000

          Account Opening Amount: It refers to the opening amount specified for the account.

          Term: Daily. The term automatically extends on a daily basis as long as the account is not closed.

          Value Date: None. Interest accrues daily on the balance as of the account opening date.

          Interest Rate:

          • Daily Interest: At the time of account opening, the interest rate valid for the account selected is fixed throughout the saving period. Throughout the term, the account automatically extends at the fixed rate on a daily basis.
          • Additional Interest and Conditions of Interest Accrual: At the time of account opening, the interest rate valid for the account selected is fixed. At the maturity of the saving period, if the target saving amount is reached, additional interest is accrued on the account.

          Standing Payment: Standing payment amounts are different for each account. The monthly payment amounts specified for the accounts are lower limits, and payment orders above these amounts can be placed.

          Standing payments are collected from your selected EUR current account or credit card on a monthly basis. If you don’t have a sufficient balance in your account at the relevant date, partial collection is performed. The lower limit for partial collection is 50 EUR. Partial payments cannot be made from a credit card.

          Money Deposit and Withdrawal: Money can be deposited to or withdrawn from the account anytime.

          Saving Period: Saving end date is determined by adding the standing payment period to the first standing payment date.

          Net Income: It is the sum of daily interest and additional interest income. The net income of the account may be different from the net income specified for the account according to the opening and standing payment amounts determined at the time of account opening, standing payment date, and the first standing payment date. Additionally, the net income may change in the cases specified below:

          • If money is withdrawn from the account during the saving period, the net income of the account will decrease.
          • If the specified monthly standing payments are not made or made partially, the net income of the account will decrease.
          • If money is deposited to the account apart from the standing payment dates and amounts, the net income of the account will change.

          Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mortgage offers you a mortgage contract triple the amount of your savings: When you choose the 24-month saving package, you can easily obtain a mortgage up to triple the amount of your NET account savings from Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mortgage.*

          Account Closure: The product extends on a daily basis unless the total amount in the account is withdrawn or the account is closed. The account will not be closed in case of partial money withdrawal or deposit.

          Maturity Date: The accounts that have matured will not be closed, and will continue to accrue daily interest. In accounts that have matured, additional interest is not offered as of the maturity date.

          Variance of net income: If, during the saving period, the customer has withdrawn money from the account, deposited money to the account apart from the opening and standing payment dates and amounts, failed to make standing payments or paid them partially, and has not determined the first standing payment date to be 30 days after the advance payment date, the income that will be obtained will be different from the net income specified.

          A Sample NET Account with 12-Month Package and Payment of 500 EUR:

          • Opening Date: 01.01.2021
          • Opening Amount: None
          • Standing Payment Amount: 500 EUR
          • Standing Payment Start Date: 01.02.2021 (start date + one month)
          • Account Maturity Date: The account accrues daily interest until 01.02.2022. On 01.02.2022, the account will be checked to determine whether or not the total target saving amount in the account is equal to at least the sum of the standing payments amounts for the additional interest accrual decision.
          • Target Saving Amount: (500 * 12) = 6,000 EUR. Total saving reaches 6,400 EUR including the additional interest accrual.
          • Account Net Income: 400TL
          • Total Saving: 6,400 EUR

          *At the time of loan application, the bank has the right to not approve the loan for customers that do not conform to credit evaluation.

            Monthly Savings(TL) Saving Period(Month) Target Savings(TL) Net Income(TL) Total Savings(TL)
          1 250 18 4.500 450 4.950
          2 500 18 9.000 900 9.900
          3 1.000 18 18.000 1.800 19.800
          4 2.500 18 45.000 4.500 49.500
          5 5.000 18 90.000 9.000 99.000

          Account Opening Amount: It refers to the opening amount specified for the account.

          Term: Daily. The term automatically extends on a daily basis as long as the account is not closed.

          Value Date: None. Interest accrues daily on the balance as of the account opening date.

          Interest Rate:

          • Daily Interest: At the time of account opening, the interest rate valid for the account selected is fixed throughout the saving period. Throughout the term, the account automatically extends at the fixed rate on a daily basis.
          • Additional Interest and Conditions of Interest Accrual: At the time of account opening, the interest rate valid for the account selected is fixed. At the maturity of the saving period, if the target saving amount is reached, additional interest is accrued on the account.

          Standing Payment: Standing payment amounts are different for each account. The monthly payment amounts specified for the accounts are lower limits, and payment orders above these amounts can be placed.

          Standing payments are collected from your selected EUR current account or credit card on a monthly basis. If you don’t have a sufficient balance in your account at the relevant date, partial collection is performed. The lower limit for partial collection is 50 EUR. Partial payments cannot be made from a credit card.

          Money Deposit and Withdrawal: Money can be deposited to or withdrawn from the account anytime.

          Saving Period: Saving end date is determined by adding the standing payment period to the first standing payment date.

          Net Income: It is the sum of daily interest and additional interest income. The net income of the account may be different from the net income specified for the account according to the opening and standing payment amounts determined at the time of account opening, standing payment date, and the first standing payment date. Additionally, the net income may change in the cases specified below:

          • If money is withdrawn from the account during the saving period, the net income of the account will decrease.
          • If the specified monthly standing payments are not made or made partially, the net income of the account will decrease.
          • If money is deposited to the account apart from the standing payment dates and amounts, the net income of the account will change.

          Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mortgage offers you a mortgage contract triple the amount of your savings: When you choose the 24-month saving package, you can easily obtain a mortgage up to triple the amount of your NET account savings from Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mortgage.*

          Account Closure: The product extends on a daily basis unless the total amount in the account is withdrawn or the account is closed. The account will not be closed in case of partial money withdrawal or deposit.

          Maturity Date: The accounts that have matured will not be closed, and will continue to accrue daily interest. In accounts that have matured, additional interest is not offered as of the maturity date.

          Variance of net income: If, during the saving period, the customer has withdrawn money from the account, deposited money to the account apart from the opening and standing payment dates and amounts, failed to make standing payments or paid them partially, and has not determined the first standing payment date to be 30 days after the advance payment date, the income that will be obtained will be different from the net income specified.

          A Sample NET Account with 12-Month Package and Payment of 500 EUR:

          • Opening Date: 01.01.2021
          • Opening Amount: None
          • Standing Payment Amount: 500 EUR
          • Standing Payment Start Date: 01.02.2021 (start date + one month)
          • Account Maturity Date: The account accrues daily interest until 01.02.2022. On 01.02.2022, the account will be checked to determine whether or not the total target saving amount in the account is equal to at least the sum of the standing payments amounts for the additional interest accrual decision.
          • Target Saving Amount: (500 * 12) = 6,000 EUR. Total saving reaches 6,400 EUR including the additional interest accrual.
          • Account Net Income: 400TL
          • Total Saving: 6,400 EUR

          *At the time of loan application, the bank has the right to not approve the loan for customers that do not conform to credit evaluation.

            Monthly Savings(TL) Saving Period(Month) Target Savings(TL) Net Income(TL) Total Savings(TL)
          1 250 24 6.000 800 6.800
          2 500 24 12.000 1.600 13.600
          3 1.000 24 24.000 3.200 27.200
          4 2.500 24 60.000 8.000 68.000
          5 5.000 24 120.000 16.000 136.000

          Account Opening Amount: It refers to the opening amount specified for the account.

          Term: Daily. The term automatically extends on a daily basis as long as the account is not closed.

          Value Date: None. Interest accrues daily on the balance as of the account opening date.

          Interest Rate:

          • Daily Interest: At the time of account opening, the interest rate valid for the account selected is fixed throughout the saving period. Throughout the term, the account automatically extends at the fixed rate on a daily basis.
          • Additional Interest and Conditions of Interest Accrual: At the time of account opening, the interest rate valid for the account selected is fixed. At the maturity of the saving period, if the target saving amount is reached, additional interest is accrued on the account.

          Standing Payment: Standing payment amounts are different for each account. The monthly payment amounts specified for the accounts are lower limits, and payment orders above these amounts can be placed.

          Standing payments are collected from your selected EUR current account or credit card on a monthly basis. If you don’t have a sufficient balance in your account at the relevant date, partial collection is performed. The lower limit for partial collection is 50 EUR. Partial payments cannot be made from a credit card.

          Money Deposit and Withdrawal: Money can be deposited to or withdrawn from the account anytime.

          Saving Period: Saving end date is determined by adding the standing payment period to the first standing payment date.

          Net Income: It is the sum of daily interest and additional interest income. The net income of the account may be different from the net income specified for the account according to the opening and standing payment amounts determined at the time of account opening, standing payment date, and the first standing payment date. Additionally, the net income may change in the cases specified below:

          • If money is withdrawn from the account during the saving period, the net income of the account will decrease.
          • If the specified monthly standing payments are not made or made partially, the net income of the account will decrease.
          • If money is deposited to the account apart from the standing payment dates and amounts, the net income of the account will change.

          Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mortgage offers you a mortgage contract triple the amount of your savings: When you choose the 24-month saving package, you can easily obtain a mortgage up to triple the amount of your NET account savings from Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mortgage.*

          Account Closure: The product extends on a daily basis unless the total amount in the account is withdrawn or the account is closed. The account will not be closed in case of partial money withdrawal or deposit.

          Maturity Date: The accounts that have matured will not be closed, and will continue to accrue daily interest. In accounts that have matured, additional interest is not offered as of the maturity date.

          Variance of net income: If, during the saving period, the customer has withdrawn money from the account, deposited money to the account apart from the opening and standing payment dates and amounts, failed to make standing payments or paid them partially, and has not determined the first standing payment date to be 30 days after the advance payment date, the income that will be obtained will be different from the net income specified.

          A Sample NET Account with 12-Month Package and Payment of 500 EUR:

          • Opening Date: 01.01.2021
          • Opening Amount: None
          • Standing Payment Amount: 500 EUR
          • Standing Payment Start Date: 01.02.2021 (start date + one month)
          • Account Maturity Date: The account accrues daily interest until 01.02.2022. On 01.02.2022, the account will be checked to determine whether or not the total target saving amount in the account is equal to at least the sum of the standing payments amounts for the additional interest accrual decision.
          • Target Saving Amount: (500 * 12) = 6,000 EUR. Total saving reaches 6,400 EUR including the additional interest accrual.
          • Account Net Income: 400TL
          • Total Saving: 6,400 EUR

          *At the time of loan application, the bank has the right to not approve the loan for customers that do not conform to credit evaluation.