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        What is Şifrematik?

        Developed to provide extra security in your Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet/Mobile* transactions, Şifrematik is a "Single-Use PIN" generating device that can only be run with your special PIN code.

        After you perform your transaction in Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet/Mobile with a PIN generated by Şifrematik, neither you nor another Şifrematik user may use the same PIN again.

        Advantages of Şifrematik

        You can carry your Şifrematik with you at all times and access Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet/Mobile safely and easily from anywhere and even via different devices.

        • You don't need to worry about forgetting your password.
        • You should never share your Şifrematik with anyone and keep it with you at all times for your security.
        • While determining your Şifrematik PIN code, you should avoid using easy-to-guess numbers like your date of birth or same or consecutive numbers. You should not share your PIN code with anyone, including the employees of our bank.
        • You should absolutely not share the PINs generated by Şifrematik with anyone, including the employees of our bank.

        Points to consider while using your Şifrematik

        * Şifrematik can also be used to log in to Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile; however, Şifrematik requests cannot be submitted via Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile.

        Methods of Use
        Şifrematik Request and Activation
        PIN Code Reactivation
        Setting Additional Confirmation