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        Smart Transactions

        Say hi to Smart Transactions and manage your financial life effortlessly and without wasting any second of your real life!

        With our Smart Transactions service on Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile, we aim to provide tools that enable effortless personal finance management.

        Thanks to the features presented to you for this purpose, you can easily manage your financials. We aim to enrich this experience by introducing new rules in the coming periods.

        • Features

          • Pay Bill
            With Pay Bill rule, you can view your frequent bill payments. Then, you give an automatic bill payment order and never lose time again trying to keep track of your bills.
          • Spend and Save
            With Spend and Save rule, you can regularly save some of your expenditures made with your credit card at an amount you determine, and thus you can keep your budget balanced.
          • Regular Gold Saver
            With Regular Gold Saver, you can regularly save gram, half or full gold coin every month at an amount you determine by using either your account or credit card.
          • Regular Deposit Order
            With Regular Deposit Order rule, you can grow your savings automatically, without needing to track maturity dates.