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        Compulsory Earthquake Insurance

        Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi is the place to get Compulsory Earthquake Insurance!

        Compulsory Earthquake Insurance is an insurance system that covers your physical losses and damages immediately in case of an earthquake. You can easily get the Compulsory Earthquake Insurance that secures your house regardless of the state's budget and resources through Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi.
        You can reach the Compulsory Earthquake Insurance by going to the Applications menu and then the Insurance section thereunder on Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile and Internet.
        • Features and Covers

          With the Compulsory Earthquake Insurance,

          physical damages to insured buildings (including damages to foundations, main walls, joint walls that separate independent sections, ceilings and floors, staircases, stair-heads, corridors, roofs, and chimneys) directly caused by

          • an earthquake,
          • a fire due to an earthquake,
          • an explosion due to an earthquake, and
          • a landslide due to an earthquake

          are covered by DASK within the limits of the insurance cover.

          Buildings Included in the Compulsory Earthquake Insurance Cover

          The Compulsory Earthquake Insurance is an insurance product developed for residential properties located within the borders of a municipality. The buildings included in the cover in accordance with the legislative decree regarding the Compulsory Earthquake Insurance No: 587 are as follows:

          • Residential buildings built on privately owned land and registered at the Land Registry Directorate;
          • Independent sections within the scope of the Property Ownership Law No: 634;
          • Independent sections located in these buildings and used as commercial space, office, and the like; and
          • Residences built by the government or built with the loans provided by the government due to natural disasters.

          The Compulsory Earthquake Insurance is also legally required for buildings with easement title deeds, buildings that haven’t been assigned a type and appear as “land, etc.” in the land register, and co-op houses to which a title deed hasn’t been assigned.

          Insurance for residences without an independent title deed can be issued based on the statement of the person who is purchasing the policy and the information that appears on the title deed of the land.

          *The Compulsory Earthquake Insurance is offered by Eureko Sigorta A.Ş.