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        Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi e-Trader Market Data Packages

        You can find the details of Borsa Istanbul market data packages below

        You can purchase these market data packages from Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet Banking by following Investments > Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi e-Trader > Buy Market Data Packages, from Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile Transactions > Investments > Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi eTrader > Buy Market Data Package steps.

        • Mixed Data Package (Equity and VİOP)

          Mixed Level 1 Data Package: For each capital market instrument (both Equity and VİOP – Futures and Options) traded in Borsa İstanbul, last trade price/rate, best bid/ask prices and other price/rate information (e.g. WAP, PDP Data, end of day data) are included.

        • Equity

          • Equity Level 1+: In addition to Level 1 data, quantity information for best bid and ask prices of each capital market instrument traded in Borsa İstanbul and the amount and detailed information related to executed trades.
          • Equity Level 2: In addition to Level 1+ data, quantity information for the best 10 levels of bid and ask prices of each capital market instrument traded in Borsa İstanbul, the volume information for the cancelled buy and sell orders and other statistics related to order book and canceled orders.
          • Equity Level 2+: Contains price and quantity information of pending buy and sell orders at the best 25 price levels, volume information about canceled orders, some other statistical information about canceled orders and pending orders. With this new market data package, order book module has been developed. In the order book module, the best 25 levels of bid and ask prices of each capital market instruments are shown. Orders are sorted by price while the orders with the same price are sorted by the order time.
          • Equity Market Broker ID End of Day Data: Detailed information related to the trades executed in Borsa İstanbul Equity Market (such as security name, trade time, trade value and trade price) including information of the parties (brokers) for each trade.
          • Equity Market Broker ID Real Time Data: Detailed real time information related to the trades executed in Borsa İstanbul Equity Market (such as security name, trade time, trade value and trade price) including information of the parties (brokers) for each trade.
        • VİOP (Futures and Options)

          • VİOP Level 1+: In addition to Level 1 data, quantity information for best bid and ask prices of each capital market instrument traded in Borsa İstanbul and the amount and detailed information related to executed trades.
          • VİOP Level 2: In addition to Level 1+ data, quantity information for the best 10 levels of bid and ask prices of each capital market instrument traded in Borsa İstanbul, the volume information for the cancelled buy and sell orders and other statistics related to order book and canceled orders.
          • VİOP Level 2+: Contains price and quantity information of pending buy and sell orders at the best 25 price levels, volume information about canceled orders, some other statistical information about canceled orders and pending orders.
          • VİOP Market Broker ID End of Day Data: Detailed information related to the trades executed in VİOP Market (such as security name, trade time, trade value and trade price) including information of the parties (brokers) for each trade.arket (such as security name, trade time, trade value and trade price) including information of the parties (brokers) for each trade.