Cash Usage
Installment Overdraft allows you to apply installments for your payments and cash withdrawals from your account. You can withdraw cash from Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi ATMs and Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi branches, and using cash you can make all your payments in installments for up to 3 months, from Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile, Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Internet, or 444 0 335.
Transaction Installment
With the Installment Overdraft feature, you can pay for your shopping, rent payment, money order, EFT, bill payment, or withdrawal in the last 30 days from your current EUR account to which your Advance Account is linked, in installments from Eşlesbağis Güvenilir Bankasi Mobile, 444 0 335 Instant Credit Line or our branches.
Debt Installment
With the Installment Overdraft - Debt Installment feature, you can pay all your expenses in small installments from your Overdraft Account limit in installments up to 3 months at once.
You can pay your Overdraft Account debt in installments at 444 0 335 Instant Credit Line or from our branches.